FACT: Balbir Punj wrote in Outlook in May 2002- “Blatant myths and fiction have lacerated the facts on Gujarat. The Times of India (March 3) reported Modi’s much-publicised misquote of Newton’s third law—”Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. In fact, the CM had never said such a thing and no other paper except for Times of India had carried the misquote in its original reportage. But later on, numerous editorials were penned on the basis of this canard. All his denials were thrown in the dustbin…”
Virendra Kapoor wrote in Cybernoon on 19 March 2002-
“An angry Modi wrote to the English daily, which had first put the quote in his mouth, protesting that he had never met its correspondent nor had he an occasion to say what he had been quoted as having said and that it was only fair that the paper made amends for its wholly ‘inventive reportage.’ The newspaper editors, however, refused to do so and two weeks later were still sitting on Modi’s letter. Left to himself perhaps the paper’s senior-most editor may well have published Modi’s letter but since his writ does not run and the place is teeming with new-fangled journalists who openly talk of blacking out all news about the Sangh Parivar, and the paper’s management is only obsessed with packing nothing other than revenue-earning advertisement in its columns, Modi’s letter has not been published. Modi, therefore, is not entirely wrong in complaining of the bias of the media and the attempt to tar his image. For, the quote in the said paper was immediately recycled and rehashed by the rest of the print and audio visual media.
Inquiries reveal that no one from the paper had met the Gujarat Chief Minister on the day he is supposed to have quoted Newton’s law to its correspondent to justify the revenge killings of the minority community in Ahmedabad and other places in the state. The paper’s editors too have concluded that the said quote was ‘invented’ by the correspondent to indicate ‘the attitude of the Modi government.’ Indeed, it was all a cooked up job to justify what the paper’s deputy bureau chief in New Delhi said at a gathering of secularist scribes to ‘fight the fascist forces and not to give them any space in ‘our’ papers.’
Time the owners woke up to this little upstart who seeks to usurp the ownership of their paper for his own brand of fascism.
Meanwhile, Modi is contemplating taking his complaint to the Press Council of India.”
The Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigating Team (SIT) said in its report submitted to the court that there is no evidence at all of Narendra Modi saying “Every action has equal and opposite reaction” and his statements were quoted out-of-context and twisted.
In an interview to India Today published in its issue of 8 April 2002 Narendra Modi said:
“After the riots began, I was quoted as saying that every action has an opposite reaction. The fact is I never said anything of that kind but one newspaper had a headline that said I had. I later wrote to the editor of the newspaper asserting that I had never said it. The electronic media was there at that press conference of mine. You can check the tapes”.
And in an interview with The Hindustan Times published on 10th March 2002, Narendra Modi said: “I made no statement of that kind. One big newspaper reported that I quoted Newton’s law of every action having an equal and opposite reaction. I have never quoted Newton since I left school. I cannot help if people allow themselves to be guided by their predilections and fantasies. I’m willing to suffer if that helps the society. I plead with those opposed to me to wait till normalcy is restored in Gujarat…”
The Week dated 12 May 2002 carried an interview with Modi. Parts of it were:
“Q.: Certain comments you made during the course of the Gujarat developments have created much controversy. Do you regret them now?
A.: Many articles have been written on the statements allegedly made by me. But neither have I ever mentioned the name “Newton” nor have I uttered the words “action-reaction”. In spite of sending many letters to the chief editor of The Times of India regarding this, they have not enlightened the masses on this.”
There are official records available, which show that no one from The Times of India had any appointment with Narendra Modi that day. No one has ever been able to prove that Modi ever uttered these words. Leave alone apologizing, they did not even publish Modi’s denials prominently and properly. Many weeks later, The Times of India published his denial in a remote corner of the paper, while it had carried the false report in its headlines.
Some more details of this issue are given in the book but not in this website.
An important article is on the role of the Gujarat Government in controlling violence in the riots.
To read the full chapter, read the book “Gujarat Riots: The True Story”.
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